Thursday, January 6, 2011

Christmas Recap, Belly Pics and MOVEMENT?!?!

Well, it looks like Christmas has come and gone.  Eric and I had a nice time celebrating the holiday with our families back home in Great Bend and Holyrood.  For the past three years, Christmas has been a bittersweet time for the two of us.  We have dealt with an ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage and, of course, infertility during the past three Christmas seasons.  It was wonderful this year to have the joy in knowing that we are pregnant!  We are so incredibly thankful for that.  I also found myself thinking a lot about those that continue to struggle with infertility or have experienced any type of loss as I know the Holidays can be very a very difficult time of year for them.

We are very much looking forward to next years Christmas, when (God willing) we will be able to enjoy it with our little baby.  This year though, we had a great time celebrating Baby H's first Christmas in utero!  He/she managed to return home with quite the load of loot!  Here is a picture of what Baby H received from mommy, daddy, friends and family...

And on to the belly pics...

15 Weeks!

 16 Weeks!

18 Weeks!

Due to the busyness of the Holidays, we didn't get a 17 week photo snapped.  But I don't think you missed much.  In fact, the pictures make it appear that my belly shrunk a little over the Holidays, but I know that isn't the case!  I'm still not sure that I am looking pregnant.  I think I look more like I got a little carried away with the Christmas goodies...which I may have!  :)

And I think I have been feeling the baby move!  It starting several weeks ago and felt like a sharp tingling sensation in my lower abdomen.  Now, it feels more like little thumps.  It's really hard to decifer all the little things I'm feeling in my tummy.  I'm sure some of what I feel is just (ahem...) gas or even hunger pangs but I'm almost certain that alot of it is the baby swimming around!  That is very exciting!

Other exciting news... we have scheduled our 20 week sonogram!  It will be first thing in the morning on January 17th!  The anticipation is killing me!  We can't wait to find out if we are having a little boy or girl, or as my mom says, a William or a Jane, since that is what we have chosen for middle names.  Either way, we will let you guys know what we find out! :)

One more thing, please say a prayer for my grandma, Geraldine Crow.  She had heart surgery last month and has been recovering in the hospital since then.  She has been in and out of the ICU, but I think she is slowing getting better.  Still, it will be a long road to recovery for her and your prayers would be greatly appreciated.

Psalm 118:24  
This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.


The Dunlap Fam said...

That is so exciting that you can feel the baby now! That was my favorite part about being pregnant. So special. We already love that little baby so much. Can't wait until next Monday! I am so excited :)

Jinny said...

You are definitely starting to show! And how exciting that you are feeling movement! are almost to that halfway point. It has gone by so quickly! (You may be thinking otherwise). Keep posting seeing them!

Tina said...

Yay... an update! I'm so happy you have a blog so we can "share" the pregnancy with you and Eric. We are so happy for you!

We keep you in our daily prayers and send much love your way!

Carol said...

Finally got to check out your "updates". I love reading it and hearing all the exciting news about our little grandbaby & also about mommy and daddy.

We are so excited for next Monday to get hear so we will know what we are having!

You look beautiful, too, Allie!